Resistance Training Can be Done Anywhere

14 January of 2015 by

Everyone is looking for the next great exercise regimen to get fit fast with a minimum amount of effort, but that just doesn’t exist unless you’re using expensive supplements and stimulants to help with weight loss.  Most people on a diet don’t have the money for those drugs, nor the inclination to go to a gym a few times a week and work out with a bunch of other out of shape people.  Life fitness isn’t something you can just choose to ignore though, unless you’re ready to deal with the consequences which invariably include an untimely death.

Thankfully, there are ways to get in shape without going to LA Fitness or some other gym to get the job done.  Anyone has a couple bottles lying around and access to water but sand and other fine substances can be used, whatever you get a lot of into the bottle.  The point is to add extra weight to your movements, like arm and leg lifts or weight lifting in general.  This is a great way to promote life fitness without spending any money at all. You could literally fill old gallon milk jugs and use those; this costs nothing!

Health fitness gurus and trainers are expensive and the attitude of an individual trainer might not mesh too well with your own.  That’s a lot of money down the drain if you decide to break a contract with someone. Those professional types might put you through a strenuous program to get you fit fast but whatever they do to you, it’s not something you couldn’t do on your own with the simple tools mentioned above . If you have the willpower to improve your health, you can do it at home, without paying any money to get into shape.

It is rather primitive but weight training is weight training, regardless of what you use to create that weight.  Water or sand are great choices but you don’t even need to go through all that!  You could go outside, find a heavy rock and start lifting that; go to a junkyard and roll around used tractor tires, or climb up and down a flight of stairs several times.  Really, there are so many great exercises you can do to improve your life fitness without paying a cent, there’s no reason anyone shouldn’t be able to get healthy cheaply.


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